Wednesday, December 7, 2016

#nycmtachronicles 12.07.16

Hold the ๐ŸšŒ please!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am slow. They also know I am usually late. When getting up in the morning at 5:30 I feel as though I have all the time in the world to get ready and leave out the house at 6:45. However every morning it seems like after 6:15 time purposely speeds up. Before you know it, it's 6:30 and I just finished putting on my make-up. I still have to find something to wear then get dressed, make my lunch and dash out the door to catch the bus at 6:50. Lets just say I rarely take lunch to work. On the norm, I am running across the street to catch the bus. It's so bad that my friend sometimes stall the bus driver when she sees me coming out the building. When I get on the bus .. the bus driver looks at me laughs and shakes his head. So today I told him for his Christmas present I was going to start being on time. Odds are he won't be receiving a present from me.

Evil Book Bag Boy
Recently a little boy about four or five years old has been riding the bus with his mother and big sister. He is the cutest thing ever but I have a serious problem with him. Okay perhaps it's not with him per say more with his book bag. As you can see from the picture, his book bag lurking at me like it knows I be talking about it. This bag creeps me out. Why would parents by bags like this for their kids? Every time I look up to see those eyes staring at me. I was extremely happy today when mother and daughter got on the bus and the little boy who I've named Evil Book Bag Boy wasn't with them. I think I'm going to start bring a towel with me to throw over the book bag like the little boy did to the clown in Poltergeist. 

Please use back doors to exit off the bus.
My next rant is about the #nycmta bus drivers. Every day on the M103 the bus driver (not always the same driver which makes it worse) stops in front of a tree with an iron grading around it. The doors open and the passengers sometimes have to hop over it to get off. The majority of the time there is a pile of garbage beside it which makes it even harder to jump over. Why passengers just don't go to the front is beyond me but never-the-less they shouldn't have to because there shouldn't be anything blocking the back door.
Well today I gave the bus driver kudos for leaving enough room at that stop for passengers to get off. Then he drives a few blocks and does this. Although passengers aren't doing any leaps to get off the bus, they now must squeeze between two buses. What pisses me off the most is that there is always enough room in front of the bus for the driver to pull up giving passengers a free path to exit off the bus. I've realized that these bus drivers really don't give a flying flute. I know somewhere during their training they were told to make sure it was safe for passengers to get on or off the bus. This also includes pulling up to the curb. Oh please don't get me started on that one. 

Where's the heat? 
On a good note my 2nd bus is nice and warm. Well it was warm after I closed two windows and the emergency hatch. Thirty something degrees and people have windows open like its 85 degrees outside. Sometimes I feel like I am the only person in the world who likes the heat. I'm on the bus all bundled up while others have their coats are opened acting like they gasping for air because it's hot. As I write this blog in the bag of the bus .. three people started coughing and only two covered their mouths. Hmmmmm perhaps I should have left the windows opened to kill those germs now circulating in my area. Time to use my scarf as a mask. Until next time ... 



And I can feel this for sure .. I've been here before - Teena Marie 


Unknown said...

Lmaoooooooo this right here, is the reason we became friends ☺ I live for your rants ~Fluffy

I Am An Author - Deneen A. Connor said...

Hahahaaaaaaaaa Yes honey!!!! Everyone keeps telling me I need to do something with my MTA stories .. well here it is. My goal is to reach as many people as possible. Eventually the MTA will contact me to either congratulate me or throw me in jail ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you for rocking, supporting and being a friend