Tuesday, December 6, 2016

#nycmtachronicles 12.06.16

Years ago while taking the bus home an altercation broke out between two passengers. A woman (Lady A) who wasn’t all there in the head started with another lady (Lady B). Lady A decided she didn’t want the rest of her McDonald’s french fries. Instead of leaving them in the bag she proceeded to throw them on the floor and at Lady B. Of course this didn’t sit well with Lady B. I was comfortable sitting in my seat watching the incident unfold in front of my eyes while trying very hard to stay out of it. It was comical until Lady A threw french fries at me then it wasn’t funny anymore. Since she involved me, it was my duty to put her in check New York style. I threw the french fries right back at her. She proceeded to yell louder. Lady B obviously had had enough. She pulled out a box cutter, jumped up out of he seat and threatens to stab Lady A. Passengers started screaming and moving out of the way. The bus driver stopped to come and investigate. Lady A had the nerve, the audacity to say Lady B and myself started the whole thing. Passengers started yelling she was a liar. The bus driver told her to get off the bus. She refused. He then said he wasn’t moving the bus until she got off. She still refused. At least six or seven passengers started yelling for her to get off the bus. Lady A realized she was out numbered and got off the bus leaving french fries all over the seat and floor. Okay so I said all of this to say … this incident birthed the posting of #nycmta which is now #nycmtachronicles.

I began posting about my commute on nycmta to my Facebook page. I take two buses to work and two buses going home. Why don’t I take the train you ask ... well that’s a whole ‘nother story. On a typical day my posts consist of: buses never having any heat, long waits, bus drivers stopping in front of objects obstructing passengers from safely exiting the bus and so much more. And there are my stories about life: a little girl (Curly) who ignores her father to talk with her friend, a man (dubbed The Sniffler) who either has allergies or a serious drugs problem, the book bag that keeps staring me down and last but not least a father with two little girls who runs for the bus just about every day. I’ve named this family, The Runners. As you can see, my commutes can be very entertaining.

Now that I’ve officially introduced you to #nycmtachronicles check back to see what goes on during my commutes. And don’t be afraid to leave a comment perhaps you saw something worth talking about. Until next time …
Livin' my life like it's golden, It really matters to me,  - Jill Scott

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